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Open Access

Open Access is the practice of making research outputs freely available online. Discover more in our UEA Library guide to Open Access.

UEA Read and Publish Deals

UEA Library and RIN have signed up to several Read and Publish transitional journal agreements that cover Article Processing Charges (APCs) for UEA- affiliated corresponding authors. (These agreements cover UEA staff and postgraduate students).

The following list details the publisher deals that provide open access article publication at no additional cost to the author. Some of these deals might be under active negotiation for renewal. Additional publication costs (such as page or colour charges) are not covered by these deals. Please note that these deals usually only cover the costs for research articles. If you are writing a different type of article, please contact the RIN Open Research team for advice.

If your chosen publisher is not listed below, you should consult the RIN Open Access Publishing Agreements page as there are some agreements taken by RIN that are not Read and Publish deals (no Read costs) and are funded solely by RIN, (e.g. PLoS).


Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff member 

What is available to you? AAAS makes all research articles of immediate relevance to public health or that report the reference sequence of a genome free for reading upon publication and allows the authors of such papers to self-archive and distribute their author accepted manuscript under a CC BY license. Some titles will offer 10% discount on APCs. 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team   



Negotiations for a new ACS deal are ongoing. If you are planning on publishing in an ACS journal in the near future, please contact the Open Research team for advice on your best options. 


Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing, without any additional publishing costs, using a CC BY licence and rights retention in all ACS fully OA and Hybrid OA titles 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? $1,250 - $5,000 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? 9 hybrid peer-reviewed Physical Review journals using a CC BY licence. 

Deal excludes Reviews of Modern Physics and the Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA). 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? $2,755-$3,865 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Research articles with ACM published open access basis without publishing costs, using a CC BY licence 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? ACM does not currently charge APCs but is considering if their journals might require a funding option from Jan 2025 or Jan 2026. 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Hybrid Journals only at UEA: publish Open Access without any additional publishing costs in Hybrid journals within the BMJ standard collection 

Eligible if you have funding from, UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson’s UK, and Verus Arthritis.  

Can select CC BY licence. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? Average £2700-3885 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? From 2023 - Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? From 2023, publishing Open Access "CUP Complete Collection" of Hybrid and Fully Open Access titles, with no additional publishing costs, using CC BY licence 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £649 - £2730 plus VAT  

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing, without any publishing costs, using a CC BY licence in all 5 titles, which are a mix full Open Access and OA Hybrid titles. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £1,485 - £3,300 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Hybrid journals- most titles can be published in without any additional publishing costs.  

Fully Open Access titles are eligible for 15% discount on additional publishing costs 

Select CC BY licence when offered. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £150 - £7,800 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal?  

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible?  Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you?  Unlimited OA publishing in hybrid journals and book series in the Lyell collection using a CC BY licence. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £2,400 plus VAT. 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal?  

More detailed information from Open Research team 



Is your research eligible?  Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing in all IOP titles, without any additional publishing cost, using CC BY. Includes reviews, letters, special reviews. 

Deal excludes OA publishing in titles from the American Astronomical Society. Only primary research articles within ‘Reports on Progress in Physics’ are covered.

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £1,805 - £2,295 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal?  

More detailed information from Open Research team



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing of research articles in any John Benjamins hybrid journal using a CC BY licence. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement?  1,800 Euros & VAT.

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team   



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing in all titles (hybrid and fully OA), without any additional publishing costs, using CC BY licence. Possible to add accepted author manuscript (AAM) to UEA repository with no embargo period.  

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £700 - £2,100 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal?  

More detailed information from Open Research team.  



Is your research eligible?Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing in most hybrid and fully gold OA journals, with no additional publishing costs, using CC BY licence 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £270 - £6,827 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal?  

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing in all titles (hybrid and fully OA) without any additional publishing costs, using CC BY licence.  

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £1,250 - £2,150 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal?  

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student, using UEA email address 

What is available to you: unlimited,  immediate open access publishing in all 8 hybrid and 2 fully OA titles using CC BY licence. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £1,400-£1,995 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from open research  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Applied to most hybrid journals but not fully OA journals, using CC BY licence. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £1,600 - £2,500 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing in hybrid titles, without any additional publishing costs, using CC-BY licence. Publishing in Fully Open Access (Gold) titles has 20% discount available. Contact RIN Open Research for advice. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £735 - £3,665 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing, without any publishing costs, using a CC BY licence for research or review articles in the Journal of Neuroscience. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement?  $3,725 & VAT & Publication Fee.

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team   



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Unlimited Open Access publishing in Springer Compact and Palgrave, using CC BY licence. Nature Research titles -open access publishing using CC BY licence, up to a national article threshold - Green Open Access backstop available. Springer Nature Fully Open Access titles:15% discount on APC.   

Deal excludes Nature Reviews titles, Protocols, BioMed Central (BMC) journals.  

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Open Access publishing, up to a national article threshold, using a CC BY licence in T&F Open Select (hybrid) and fully OA titles, F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £740- £3,800 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  



Is your research eligible? Corresponding author, must be current UEA staff or postgraduate student. 

What is available to you? Open Access publishing without any publishing costs in Wiley's hybrid journals, using a CC BY licence. For Wiley's Fully Open Access (Gold) titles, open access publishing using a CC BY licence, up to a national article threshold is covered. Once the threshold is reached, a 15% discount on APC applies. 

Standard publishing (APCs) if you were NOT using this agreement? £580 - £4,360 plus VAT 

Does my funder’s OA policy support publishing in a journal included in this deal? 

More detailed information from Open Research team  


If your chosen publisher is not listed above, you should consult the RIN Open Access Publishing Agreements page as there are some agreements taken by RIN that are not Read and Publish deals (no Read costs) and are funded solely by RIN, (e.g. PLoS). 

You may also like: What are Read and Publish deals?