
Open Access

Open Access is the practice of making research outputs freely available online. Discover more in our UEA Library guide to Open Access.

Open Access Policies

There are several Open Access Policies that you should familiarise yourself with: 

UEA Open Access Policy 

UEA has in institutional Open Access Policy. This should be read in conjunction with Research Data Management Policy and a detailed Research Data Management Procedures and Guidance

UK Open Access Policies 

For an 'at a glance' summary of all the UK Open Access policies, including the REF and UKRI, and how they interrelate. With credit to the Office for Scholarly Communication, Cambridge University.  

UKRI Open Access Policy and FAQs 

Wellcome Trust Open Access Policy 

British Heart Foundation Open Access Policy 

REF 2021 Open Access policy  

REF2029 initial decisions and issues for further consultation (REF2028/23/01)  

Further information is available from RIN’s Open Access guide.