How to Publish OA Articles
There are several ways to publish your research outputs open access.
Articles / conference proceedings
Gold route
This may incur an Article Processing Charge (APC). There are two routes that you may be able to follow to cover the cost:
Choose to publish in a journal covered by a UEA Read and Publish transitional journal deal (where APCs are covered/reduced). (Both UEA staff and research students are covered by these deals)
Use grant funding if applicable (block grants for UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation). Strict guidelines (e.g. choice of journal) must be followed to be eligible for grant funds. RIN’s Open Research Team can advise on this and how to apply.
There are no centralised sources of funding at UEA to cover APC charges for research articles, so if neither of the above options are valid you should consider publishing open access via the Green route.
Green route
This involves placing the Author’s Accepted manuscript (AAM) (the version following peer review but before publisher typesetting) under a CC BY licence in an open access repository, (e.g. UEA’s digital repository) but often after an embargo period set by the publisher. You should check your funder’s requirements before choosing this route in case an embargo period does not comply with the funder. RIN’s Open Research Team can advise on this.
Rights retention is an alternative green open access route that eliminates the embargo period but it requires the author to clearly state (at the point of submission to the publisher) that they are retaining copyright of the AAM by placing a Creative Commons CC BY licence on that version by including a ‘Rights Retention Statement’ within the article and the covering letter.