All UEA PhD theses are submitted electronically and are made openly available via the UEA Digital Repository and the British Library EThOS Service.
All theses are now submitted electronically (see Submission and Presentation of Theses page) and will be available in the public domain via the UEA Digital Repository and the British Library EThOS service. You can request an embargo (temporary restriction on access). If you require a longer restriction, please speak to your supervisory team (see also the Research Student Concessions information page).
You should email/OneDrive your submitted thesis both to your usual Graduate School team email address and to (as a backup). Please ask for an electronic receipt to confirm your thesis has been received.
There is a 10MB limit on most email systems, and zip files attached to emails will be automatically blocked.
Further information can be found on the Postgraduate Researcher Information page.
An electronic thesis is regarded as a form of publishing, therefore you should check if any of the following apply:
Your thesis should be submitted in PDF format. The PDF should be given a filename in this way: YearLastnameInitialsDegree.pdf, for example: 2020BloggsJBPhD.pdf.
Depending on circumstances, you may additionally wish to submit a redacted electronic version for open access. You may also include Excel or other additional data files if appropriate.
Please see the Rules for the Submission of Theses for Research Degrees for further guidelines.
If you'd like more information about e-theses, please contact Jane Helgesen, Head of Education and Research Engagement
If, after reading "UEA: Your thesis and copyright", you have any further queries about copyright, please contact, the University Information and Policy Compliance Manager.
All born-digital UEA theses are now uploaded into the UEA Digital Repository. Older UEA theses that were submitted in print format are stored in the Library and can be located by searching Library Search.
You can search other UK institutional theses via the British Library EThOS service. [Note- currently this service is unavailable (January 2024). Please try Digital Repository at the holding institution as an alternative].