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Copyright for Students

Are you unsure what is permitted from a copyright perspective when it comes to use of resources in your academic work? This guide will answer questions you might have and point to you in the direction of further sources of information and support.

Copyright in Other People's Theses Dissertations

Theses and dissertations are now readily accessible via sites such as the British Library's EThOS service and also individual institutional repositories including the UEA Digital Repository. Theses may be copied but only under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Exception for Non-commercial research and private study, but not under the potentially more generous CLA license. 

So your use of thesis material should be strictly limited to what can be considered fair dealing. As a general rule, a single copy of a part of these thesis may be made by the user solely for private non-commercial study and research. 

If you would like to make further use of theses or dissertations written by others in your own work you may need to seek permission of the rights holder. See Seeking permission tab (above).