I'm here to help with locating high-quality resources, getting new material into the Library, and managing information!
This guide provides support in using the library and highlights resources that will be useful to you in your studies and research - whether you are new to UEA and university study or a seasoned academic. Bookmark this page and come back regularly - it's a good jumping-off point for key library services and new resources are being added all the time.
Go to Philosophy Resource List
We’ve put together all the essential information that you need to get started in one handy place on Blackboard:
to get you started and support you through your studies, all tailored to your Faculty.
Unlock your Library potential!
Essential tools:
I strongly recommend you install the Library's Lean Library web browser extension. This helps connect you to library content when you're searching the Web or using Google Scholar or other online databases. It can help trouble-shoot if you are not automatically signed in via UEA.
UEA subscribes to cite them right, which provides help and tutorials on many of the main referencing styles used at UEA. Use this to learn how best to reference books, articles (along with more tricky formats) and to double-check references you download from Library Search or Google Scholar are correct.
Search here for your Reading Lists using the module title or code.
The Library Helpdesk is your first point of contact for queries about using the library building, booking study spaces, accessing electronic resources and finding and borrowing print books.
I can provide more in-depth support - if you need help, please do get in touch!