There are tens of thousands of books and journal articles related to Archaeology available via Library Search. Here are some other resources you may find useful.
Database of archaeological publications and datasets covering archaeology, the historic environment, and conservation of material culture - with a geographical focus on Britain and Ireland. Incorporates the British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB) along with other sources. You may need to look up items in Library Search to see if UEA has a copy or access.
Important bibliography of the History of Art including literature published between 1975 and 2007. Succeeded by the International Bibliography of Art (IBA). Focuses on European and American visual arts. You will need to look up items in Library Search to see if we hold them.
Important bibliography of the History of Art, covering literature from 2008 to today. Successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). In addition to Western art (from late antiquity) and Global art (from 1945), it includes works on museum studies, archaeology and architecture. You will need to look up items in Library Search to see if we hold them.
UEA has access to the Grove Dictionary of Art online on the Oxford Art Online site (but not the Benezit Dictionary). Grove covers all aspects of the visual arts worldwide from prehistory to the present day.
A cross-searchable online reference collection, featuring full-text content from over 1,000 reference books covering a broad range of subjects. Contains over 3.5 million entries, 200,000+ images (art, diagrams, maps and photos) and over 100,000 audio pronunciation files and sound clips.
A fully-indexed, cross-searchable database of hundreds of dictionaries, encyclopaedias and other reference works published by Oxford University Press.
Full-text peer-reviewed e-journals from the American Anthropological Association (AAA) including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Current and back issues available.
JSTOR provides searchable back issues of scholarly journals on a wide range of subjects. JSTOR does not include the last few years of most of its journals, so for recent and current issues, use the Journal A-Z or Library Search.
Multi-subject collection of e-books which can be browsed, read online or downloaded to a PC. Access is also available to titles not currently owned by UEA. These may be browsed and requested for purchase by the library.
A national TV and radio recording and streaming service for UK higher and further education institutions. Includes over 2 million recordings of films, documentaries, news and radio programmes from 75 channels, with the ability to request upcoming programmes and create playlists and clips.
An online referencing tool providing answers to common questions about referencing, as well as helpful guidance to keep you on the right track. Cite any information source, from ancient texts to Twitter and other online publications. Referencing styles supported are Harvard, APA, Chicago, IEEE, MHRA, MLA, OSCOLA and Vancouver. Provides videos and tutorials and includes guidance on plagiarism and how to avoid it.
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